GKE’s operations say ‘NO’ to churning tons of paper! Utilizing on KEYfields’ iWMS, GKE’s Inbound, Outbound and Inventory processes are now digitized with the aid of handheld scanners, mobile phones, bar codes and workflow tools, together with the system’s ability to record and display information.

GKE’s digitization includes:
-Real Time Updates on Incoming and Outgoing orders to support Warehouse Operations
-Removal of unnecessary steps or data entry
-Efficient information process flow
-Use of QR code and mobile devices

A fully digitized warehouse operation is essential for GKE to cut down on their paper usage which not only increasing the costs of operations but also require storage space to archive all these hard copy documents. GKE can now continue to remain competitive with lowered operational costs with internal operations more streamlined. We are pleased to provide solutions that supports GKE in digitizing their processes.

For more information on how your company can implement an integrated Warehouse Management System please contact us at info@keyfields.com or visit our website at www.keyfields.com.